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Agenzia Nazionale Politiche Attive del Lavoro European Commission
This page is intended for employers


YfEj provides as well the possibility to find / offer a traineeship contract.

In order to benefit from YfEj, the traineeship contract will be submitted to the similar conditions as regular jobs:

  • ensure remuneration and written contractual relationship
  • have a duration of at least 3 months
  • comply wth national labour law and ensure adequate protection e.g. social security, health and accident insurance, etc.

Moreover, employers that take an traineeship through YfEj are required to:

  • offer skill-enhancing on-the-job learning and training
  • provide proper vocational tutorial/mentoring in the host company or organization throughout the work-based training
  • as much as possible, provide settlement and logistical support such as help finding accommodation , facilitate attendance of school classes in the case of dual training system and, is applicable, ensure complementary financial support
  • issue a certificate or written declaration formally recognizing the knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the traineeship, in accordance with company/national practice.


Please note that traineeships forming part of mandatory professional certification requirements (as is the normal practice with regulated professions such as law, medicine and architecture) are not covered by YfEj.

Moreover, traineeships will be considered as eligible only if they represent a real opportunity of professional empowerment and growth for the young worker and reinforce their capacity to find a job after the end of the traineeship.


Integration programme for trainees

Regarding the possibility for SMEs to obtain a financial support for the provision of an integration programme, please note that in the case of traineeships, the conditionality rule to obtain support is that there should be no overlap between the integration programme and the planned traineeship programme.

Although the employer should determine the extent and content of the integration programme, it must always include at least a training or learning component.


YFEJ Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale
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This website - property of 'Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale' - has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2014-2020). For further information please consult: Its content reflects only the Consortium’s views and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.